Penzión LUKA Terchová
Penzión, ktorý kráča s vami ku zdraviu

Komfortné ubytovanie v Terchovej
Infolinka: +421 907 317 180


Guest house LUKA – an excellent location as the starting point for the beginning of your planned touristic tracks in the mountains Malá Fatra.

The guest house Luka is situated at the foot of the National Park Malá Fatra, in the birthplace of the Slovak hero Juraj Jánošík in Terchová. The guest house has a very good position, just after the crossroad Terchová – Vrátna. The bus stop is 300 m distant away.

The yard is the part of the guest house and there is also free parking space. The guest house is of the family character. In summer it offers the pleasant sitting on the terrace. The original guest house LUKA has been in operation since 2002. The new guest house is open from the summer 2010. The total capacity of the guest house is 30 beds, 20 of them are in an older part and 10 in the new one. There is a stylish social room which is available for 30-35 people, it is equipped with a fireplace, a plasma screen and pleasant sitting.
The room is connected with a furnished over-roofed terrace. The WiFi Internet connection in area of the guest house is free for the guests. The guests can use facilities for storing mountain bikes, skis, ski shoes or prams. They can enjoy their free time in the gaming room with billiards, darts and table tennis. The lovers of sauna can use a modern Finnish sauna with space for relax, which offers guaranteed relax after  difficult skiing or hiking.
An outdoor arbour with a fireplace provides pleasant sitting where the guests can prepare their meal on a grill or cook goulash. This everything can be enjoyed together with quiet surroundings with a beautiful view. For the youngest there is a playground for children with swings, climbing frame and other activities.

Vyhovující vybavení Dostatek prostoru Parkování ve dvoře Dostupnost restaurací a obchodů”

Vojta s rodinou

Koľkokrát by ste si uvarili obľúbený čaj, alebo si odložili niečo dobré chladničky počas pobytu? Kúpili ste si korbáčiky, syry, bryndzu? Bojíte sa, čo s nimi?

U nás si ich môžete odložiť v každej izbe do chladničky.

Chystáte sa na pobyt s deťmi? Beriete im jedlo alebo iné dobroty?

U nás nie je problém s uskladnením ani s prípravou.

V každej izbe je kuchynský kút, chladnička  i rýchlovarná kanvica.

Praktickí pomocníci pre každého, pri kuchtení akejkoľvek dobroty, či nápoja.

Utierka, špongia i saponát sú u nás samozrejmosťou.

Ak by ste potrebovali niečo naviac, ozvite sa pred pobytom, alebo počas neho.

Radi preveríme, či môžeme požiadavku splniť.


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